Make a Payment

Central New Hampshire Employment Services, Inc. offers a new way for company clients to pay for services. You may pay by credit card or debit card using our Paypal account. You do not need a Paypal account to use this service. However, due to costs that we incur by using merchant services, if you choose to pay using this method you will be charged a fee of 2.9% for each transaction.

If you would like to receive an electronic invoice with an easy payment button, please contact our office at 603-528-2828.

Use this form to calculate the total due with the 2.9% added.
Enter payment amount:
Add 2.9% Fee
Total $:
If you use the tool, please make note of the generated Total, you will need to enter manually at the payment site (Paypal).

To pay using a credit card, or your Paypal account, please click the button below. (When you are redirected to our payment site, enter the Total amount, including the 2.9% fee, in the box provided.)

